Ample China Erhu (ACEH) is sampled on 3 Erhus in the key of D, C and low G, with 7.6 GB samples, including head, body and legato group articulations, FX sounds, as well as a select collection of improvised licks.
Bowed Articulations: Sustain, Staccato, Ricochet, Grace Tremolo, Expressive Tremolo and Portato.
Expressions: Whispering, Sighing, Crying and Hoarse.
Fingered Articulations: Pizzicato, Diminuendo, Sforzando, Expressive, Vibrato, Uniform Trill, Variable Trill, Mordent, Inverted Mordent, Double Mordent, Full Slide Up, Full Slide Down, Slide in Below, Slide in Above, Slide Out Downward, Slide Out Upward, Portamento and Virtual Portamento.
Special Effects: Lick, Mirroring.